Define Break Rules

Use the Break Rules section to define when your employees should be taking their breaks. Select Deduct Unpaid and Untaken Breaks if you want LiveIQ Labor to add breaks where an employee should have taken them and deduct pay where applicable.

You can define different sets of rules for different shift lengths, and different rules for the first break taken on a shift and for every break taken during a shift.

View a video ../../Resources/Multimedia/Chapter2Breaks.mp4

  1. Select Deduct Unpaid and Untaken Breaks.

  2. Click Add.

    The panel displays fields that let you define the length of breaks and when they must be taken.

  3. Select either First (the first X hours worked) or Every (every X number of hours worked).

  4. Enter the number of hours in the Hours Worked column.

  5. Enter the length of the break in the Break column.

  6. Enter the start and end times (in hours relative to the shift) for when the break must be taken.

  7. Select Paid if breaks are to be paid.

    When you select this option, the break is not deducted from an employee’s pay whether it was taken or missed.

  8. Click Accept Break Rule .

  9. Click Save

  10. Enter values for the other settings and click Save, then click Back to List to fill in the other settings later.